Taking a stand

Yesterday night I sat down and did the two things I have been saying that I’d do for awhile.

1) Made a prayer list for my future husband
2) prayed that I would only have eyes for Him until He brought to my sight the man He had for me to be my husband

This might sound odd, but it’s so easy to just look at someone and size them up based on their appearance. The next thing I knew I was doing it all the time, and then throw into the equation weighing up their future husband pros and cons! I was going a bit loopy!

Our human thoughts are loopy – therefore I sat there with a notebook and started to right the list. And then spoke to God. I fixed my sight on Him only and asked Him to keep it there!

It sounds odd but it’s what I needed to do to be able to do all that God wants me to with my life! And I know that there are many distractions in life that we shouldn’t be tempted by, and we need to just take a stand and ask God to help us! No matter how small or silly the thing we struggle with, He wants to help!

Thank you lord that you love us so so much that You want to know everything. Every tiny struggle You want us to reach us so that You can lay hand on our lives and share more love! I pray for all of those that are struggling with something big or small that they can take the stand and ask for Your help and guidance! I pray for faith that they will know You WILL NOT fail them! Thank you Jesus for Your overwhelming love that you flow into our lives continuously! I love you! Amen!

One thought on “Taking a stand

  1. I catch myself sizing up guys as husband material, too. Good thing they don’t know what I’m thinking! I worry sometimes because I don’t have a boyfriend, then remind myself to give it to God. I’m sure greatfull for God! He holds me up when I’m down and gives me unlimited love! Thank you, God!

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